Friday, May 24, 2013

15 ways to be the best BFF

15 Ways to Be the Best BFF

It's too easy to take your best friends for granted - so we're giving you 15 tips that remind you how to be the bes
It's too easy to take your best friends for granted - so we're giving you 15 tips that remind you how to be the best BFF ever!
1. Don’t expect her to think exactly as you do… or judge her if she doesn't.
2. Make her feel like part of your family.
3. Cheer her accomplishments… even if you have to swallow a bit of jealousy first.
4. Bring her homework to her when she’s sick.
5. Stand up for her when someone puts her down… even if you’re afraid you’ll be a target, too.
6. Listen when she needs to talk.
7. Make time for her, even if – no, especially if – you've got a new boyfriend.
8. Always encourage her to be her best self.
9. If you both do something wrong, don’t let her take the blame alone.
10. Keep her secrets… even if she accidentally gives away yours.
11. Accept her faults and forgive her mistakes.
12. Help her believe she can accomplish her dreams.
13. If she’s messing up, tell her what she needs to know, not what she wants to hear.
14. Be happy she has other friends, not jealous or clingy.
15. Keep your promises.
Have any other great tips on being a great BFF?
Share them in the comments!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

feeling like there’s never enough time

Get Dressed Before Bed

Do you feel like you’re always in a crazy rush in the morning? Are you always scrambling to get your stuff together for school, feeling like there’s never enough time?

Get Dressed Before Bed

Do you feel like you’re always in a crazy rush in the morning? Are you always scrambling to get your stuff together for school, feeling like there’s never enough time?
 by discovery girls
Do you feel like you’re always in a crazy rush in the morning? Are you always scrambling to get your stuff together for school, feeling like there’s never enough time?
Free up your morning by planning ahead and choosing your outfit for the next day. Raid your wardrobe the night before, decide whether or not you want to accessorize, even choose your socks! With the day’s outfit washed, matched, and ready to wear, you’ll have less to worry about in those early hours, and more time for your favorite morning activity – like a few extra minutes of sleep!
Choosing your outfit the night before can also help you feel more confident the next day. You’ll have the time to choose an outfit that you feel good about and comfortable in, instead of throwing on anything you can grab a second before bolting out the door. You’ll feel more on top of things, and maybe you’ll actually be able to sit down and relax while enjoying breakfast!

Clean up the creek

Doesn't it always fell good to help out the community, on Saturday  May 11th we went to Lake Temescal and cleaned up the creek. We got trash bags and gloves and walked around the lake to pick up trash. It felt good when we put all our trash together and saw how much we collected, a lot. We got less then we thought we would, that's good there wasn't that much trash the people littered. That's what we did to help the community and make a difference and you can make a difference too.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bullied for Having Red Hair

I Was Bullied for Having Red Hair

I Was Bullied for Having Red Hair

I was standing in the lunch line when I heard it. Someone behind me said “ginger” in a low voice, and then some kids burst out laughing...
I was standing in the lunch line when I heard it. Someone behind me said “ginger” in a low voice, and then some kids burst out laughing. I turned around to see some older boys I didn’t know. “Look at the freckles…ginger kid…” one whispered to his friend as they all stared at me. Then they laughed even harder. 
Ginger Kid
I ran out of the lunch line, no longer hungry. I was hurt—and confused. What were they talking about? I have red hair, and I’d been called things like “carrot top” and “sunshine red” before, but never a “ginger kid?” What was that?
When I got home, I went straight to my computer and Googled “ginger kid.” I clicked on the first thing that came up: Episode #911 of…South Park? That TV show? I did some more research, and what I found out really upset me. On the show, ginger kids—redheads—are disgusting and dumb. They can’t survive in sunlight and have no souls. 
At school the next day, it seemed like I got teased twice as much as before. I didn’t get it. Isn’t making fun of someone for the color of her hair the same thing as being racist? Why would anyone do that to a nice, friendly girl who had never done anything mean to them?
Did I Have a Soul?
Things got worse. It seemed like practically everyone in my class started calling me a “ginger” or a “ginge.” They told me I had no soul. Boys sang mean songs about me. Some people would even stand in front of me when it was time to go out to recess. “The sun is too dangerous for you,” they’d say. “You’d better not go out unless you want to get fried!” The teachers never realized what was going on, and I never told. I was afraid that might just make things worse.
I started to feel really bad about myself. I’d spend hours crying in my room at night. I truly began to believe that I didn’t have a soul and that nobody could love a ginger. I was convinced everyone was better than I was. My self-esteem sunk to practically nothing. I even lost faith in my family, and I thought they were faking their love for me, the only redhead in the bunch. Everyone hates me! I’d think. Why can’t I have blond hair or brown hair, like my little brother or my parents?
I began to convince myself that I was losing my friends, too. They would tell me over and over again, “Madeleine, we love you! Don’t listen to those bullies!” But somehow I would twist the words up in my head until “Madeleine, we love you” became “Madeleine, we hate you! We can’t believe we used to be friends with a ginger like you!” I was sure they would all leave me and I would never have friends again, unless I dyed my hair and moved to a brand new town.
A Stronger Person
Even though I was so sad, my friends stood by me. Month after month, they stood up for me through all the name-calling and teasing. They made me laugh when I felt like crying. But even though I was so grateful for my friends, school still felt like a nightmare. I think the worst part was that I never knew when someone would start in on me. I felt like there might be someone waiting to tease me around every corner…and why? Just because I had red hair? It was so unfair. My red hair wasn’t something I had control over. I never asked to have it! I was born this way, and I couldn’t do anything about it. For people to make me feel like there was something wrong with me because of it was stupid, I knew, but it still really hurt me.
The end of the school year was coming, and I was feeling totally fed up. I was so tired of feeling bad about myself. I just didn’t want to do it anymore. I decided not to listen to them. That’s when realized I never had to listen to what mean people said. Who were they, some dumb bullies, to change the way I felt about myself? Making me feel insecure and self-conscious was exactly what they wanted, and I wasn’t going to give it to them anymore. This was my life. Why didn’t I listen to my friends and family instead? They were the ones who knew me and loved me. They were the ones who were important.
Proud to Be a Ginger
That was definitely a turning point. Something inside me changed. Before, I’d always tried to ignore the teasing and pretend the bullies weren’t getting to me, but I think they knew how much they upset me. Now I really didn’t care what they said, and it showed. I started standing up for myself without getting upset, or I’d walk away with my head held high. After all, who said being a ginger has to be a bad thing? I’m learning to be proud of it.
The more confident I got, the fewer mean comments I heard. I guess picking on me just stopped being fun. I still get the occasional “Hey, ginge!” or “What’s the ginge doing here?” but I don’t pay attention to them. There’s no reason to. What’s important is for me to be the person I want to be and not let mean, rude people stop me.
As hard as all this was, I feel like it made me a much stronger person. I’ll never let someone make me feel bad about myself like that again. And if you’re being picked on for something—whether it’s red hair or something else—I hope you won’t, either. Be proud of who you are!
We found this article at

Friday, May 17, 2013

This or That

This or That

would you rather...

swim in a chocolate river or float on a candy cloud
savor one piece of chocolate by yourself or share a plate of cookies with friends
live in a gingerbread house or a candy house
invent a best selling chocolate bar or create a prize winning cake recipe
eat cake without frosting or frosting without cake
give up Halloween candy or birthday cake
eat purple mac  and cheese or green peanut butter
take one bite of food you hate or eat a full  meal of food you have never tried 
eat a live sized marshmallow bird or a live sized chocolate bunny 
put hot fudge on popcorn or salt on your ice cream

You can play this with your friends or tell us what you think

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Card Trick

Card Trick
This trick is the easiest card trick ever. No tricks involved just good acting.
  1. Ask a friend to help you with a new card trick your working on. Give her a deck of cards and tell her/him to shuffle them really well 15 times.
  2. ask her to pick two cards with out naming the suit of the cards. (for example, just a two and jack not the two of hearts or the jack of spades). She can tell you her picks. Say that you are practicing making those two cards appear next to each other in the deck.
  3. Take the deck from her and pretend to concentrate really hard
  4. fan out the cards. A two and a Jack will be next to each other somewhere in the deck amazing!

How it works:
Actually, this won't work every time because it's not a trick at all.the chances are very god that any two random cards picked will appear next to each other in a ell shuffled deck. If the trick doesn't work just say that you need more practice, shuffle and try again

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

True Colors

Still having trouble finding your best qualities? You can look to find your favorite color and find out what it means!

Your boldness and energy help you go after your goals

You're enthusiastic and friendly

You are creative, look on the bright side

You're smart, and you care about your community, go green

You are responsible and trusting, and you like to help others get along

You're independent and generous

You are warm, nurturing, and refined

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Mouse house
Materials:Twigs, leaves, acorns, stones,  square tissue box, scissors, and glue

Build and decorate an mini house with things you find outside

  1. take a walk outside and gather Twigs, leaves, acorns, stones, and other things
  2. Enlarge the opening of the tissue box by cutting the oval the edge of the box
  3. Glue small twigs and leaves to the  outside of the house and use bigger twigs and bark for the roof 
  4. make rugs and furniture with leaves and make tables seats or beds out of small pieces of bark, acorn shells and twigs 
  5. put in the box and you're done 

Color Splash
Materials:white coffee filters, markers, spray bottle with water, black paper,scissors, glue or tape 

  1. using markers draw on the coffee filter covering every inch
  2. put the wax paper under the coffee filter to protect the table then spray it 5 times. Watch the colors melt together!
  3. Allow the filter to dry
  4. cut a frame of black paper. Put it up to the window and watch the sun shine through the colors

                                                   -we hope you enjoy, tell us what you think

Monday, May 13, 2013

Cool recipes the day

Cherry pop Smoothie

3/4 cup Cola
2 cups of pitted and halved frozen cherries
1 cup of vanilla frozen yogurt
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1  teaspoon cherry extract

Blend until smooth. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Half Moon Ravioli 

1 cup ricotta cheese
2 cloves minced garlic
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 egg
1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons herbs  
salt and pepper 
1 package pot sticker rappers

fill one tablespoon of filling in each wrapper moisten around edges with water. Fold press edges to seal. Cook in boiling water for 5 minutes. Serve with butter sauce and/or cheese-Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Your Favorite

Your Favorite

Every day for 2 weeks starting Monday we are going to post different things. Like recipes  crafts, advice  trends, and all different things. Then at the end of the weeks you can in the comment section leave us a comment about witch one was your favorite. After we collect the info about what you like best for a week we will post Every thing on that topic, and your second favorite the next week and, so on and, so on.

                                                                      Emily and Macy