Saturday, January 26, 2013

Friendship Quiz

This quiz will help you lean if your friend is right for you

1. your two best friend get tickets to your favorite bands concert but it's the same day as your birthday party they:
A.ask you to reschedule 
B.come over after the concert
C. surprise you with ticks 

2.You did a school project with your friends but your teacher didn't think you did your part in the project your friends:
A.nope your on your own 
B. only after you ask them a few times

3.during a basketball game a classmate starts teasing you your friend:
A.laugh along with him
B. they try but it doesn't work
C.stick up for you try a new stile and your friends...
A.laugh at you 
B.Completely surprised
C.they say it's awesome 

 Awnser key:
mostly A's find a new friend 
mostly B's not the bet friend but stay with her/him a little longer
mostly C's awesome BFF stick with her

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