Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Fruit Smuggler

                                      The Fruit Smuggler

Lately  someone at Hillcrest has been putting rotten fruit in 4th and 5th grade students backpack's . people are getting bags of all different rotten fruit and some people are just getting rotten bananas. We can't figure out who it is. We know it can't be any one in the 4th grade Yale  class because when it happened everyone was down in the library. It can't be Mari in the 4th grade Harvard class because she got a rotten banana in her backpack.  Her and 2 other people in Yale have gotten it in there backpack. Aron in Yale was the first person it happened to. Then it happened to Luke. Some people in the 5th grade have noticed that their stuff has also gone missing. We are all trying to figure out who is doing it like Nancy Drew, without security cameras. 

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