Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Field Trip Dilema

Which field trip would be perfect for you???
Take this quiz to find out.

  1. The perfect way for you to get a top grade in a group project is to:

  2. write a report
    do research for the group
    direct a skit

  3. a perfect saturday afternoon would include

  4. Playing games online
    helping out at an animal shelter
    playing untill your breathless at the park

  5. the perfect pet for you would be

  6. kitten

  7. The perfect summer job would be

  8. helping put away books at the library
    doing yard work for an elder neighbor
    working as a camp counsler

  9. The perfect way for you to help a sad friend is to

  10. Sit and listen to her problem
    give her a hug
    Offer your best advice

Mostly A's = A museum
Mostly B's = A wildlife refuge
Mostly C's = An adventure course

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