Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to make a turtle cupcake toper

How to make a turtle cake topper


Gum paste
Gel paste color for the turtle + black paste color for the eyes
Tylo glue
Small paint brush
Cocktail stick
Small knife + plastic bag (not showing on the photo)


Step 1:

Color your gum paste in desired colors for the “body”, the shell and the dots. Place the rest of the gum paste in a plastic bag. Take the color that you have chosen for the “body” and roll it into a sausage. Cut 4 pieces in the same size (feets) and save the rest for the head. Take the “feet” parts and roll them into a ball and shape them like a teardrop.
Note: It is possible that you need to adjust the amount of gum paste for the feets and the head.

Step 2:

Glue all 4 feets together with Tylo glue.
Step 3:

Take the gum paste for the shell and roll it into a ball. Form it into a toadstole shape and make it a little hollow at the bottom.
Step 4:

Brush a little tylo glue at the bottom of the shell and place it over the feets.
Step 5:

Take the “head” part and roll it into a little ball. Shape it so that it looks like a “golf club”.
Step 6:

Use the paint brush to make and indentation where the head will be.
Step 7:

Brush a little tylo glue in the indentation.
Step 8:

Attach the head. I have used my cornstarch duster as support for the head while it dries.
Step 9:

Roll very small balls of gum paste. Flatten them slightly and glue them on randomly over the shell.
Step 10:

All you need now is to make the eyes. Do that with a little black gel paste on a cocktail stick. Your cute little turtle cake topper is now ready to be used.

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