Sunday, June 16, 2013

Quiz #3 Do you speak your mind

Do you speak your mind?

Do you keep your thoughts to yourself, or shout them out for the world to hear? Take this quiz and find out just how big your mouth is!
A little quiz-taking tip: Don't just pick the answers that you think are 'correct' - be honest with yourself and pick the answer that you would be most likely to do in reality. Then you will actually find out something useful about yourself, and learn how to improve!
  1. It’s the first day of school, and your teacher wants everyone in the class to introduce themselves. You:
  2. Your best friend wants to know what you want to do after school. You:
  3. Some girls you know are spreading rumors about your best friend. You:
  4. You’re at your best friend’s house, and your friend is trying to persuade her mother to let you sleep over. You:
  5. A friend wants to know what you think about her new sweater, which looks like something your grandma would wear. You:
  6. You’ve accepted an invitation to go to the movies with your friend and her parents. They haven’t decided what to see yet, but they’re considering a movie you’ve already seen and didn’t like. When they ask your opinion, you:
  7. Your class is putting on a play and you can audition for any part you want. You:
  8. A boy in your class insults you when the teacher isn’t looking. You:
  9. Your mom says she is going to make cherry pie, and that’s your least favorite dessert! You:
  10. Your teacher asks a tough question in class, and you’re the only one who knows the answer. You:

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